As you are not a philosopher or "thinking and reasoning" expert, by your own reasoning, you have no realy good excuses to dismiss that paper. That is true sophistrie.

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I assumed someone would make this case :)

Is there anything about this post that seems like it's trying to present itself as anything more than one person's opinion? I'm certainly not trying to convince you of any expertise. I'm also not opposed to non-experts sharing their opinions, and maybe I should have made that more clear in the post.

Also, this post is not a 7500-word review of a life-or-death public policy matter where I disagree with the experts and include many linked references that would take even an expert many days to carefully review.

This is a short post about my opinion on something I read. Clearly you think I'm wrong, and that's fine. Hopefully you don't feel like I tried to mislead you into thinking there was good reason to believe any of my "claims" anyway because I have some expertise.

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Your reply to JFonseca is, essentially, "Take my opinion on its merits," which is the same defence employed by the author of the report.

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Yes, but that “defense” is being applied to two wildly different types of writing. If you can’t see the difference I think we’ll have to just live with it 🤷‍♂️

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